Friday, November 11, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 3-Happiness

I was influenced by the timing of Veteran's Day and this photo challenge topic.  I definitely see problems with the government, medical institution and many other things in the United States of America, but I don't want to sound ungrateful while living here. I understand the violent and unpredictable atmosphere many other people in the world face on a daily basis. So for happiness, I chose to photograph the United States of America flag in front of San Francisco. I am focusing on the idea that it represents, "the pursuit of happiness." To me happiness is being surrounded by friends and family that I love and not having to fear for our safety or worry where our next meal will come from and when it will be.  People everywhere in every country are owed this right, although some are robbed of it. I couldn't pick between the 2 so take one as a "Happy Veteran's Day."

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